InfoTree Replacement For Windows

MyInfo is a free-form organizer, which is a suitable alternative for the no longer maintained free-form organizers InfoTree and ReTrieve.

You can easily import your existing databases, using our InfoTree import plugin.

MyInfo is mature and stable Windows software (first version created back in 1999) and is actively developed.

MyInfo workspace screenshot


Full-featured Tree and Text Editor

You can format both your tree items and your text data with different fonts and colors. You can also apply styles, insert links, pictures, and tables in the text editor.

Multiple Field Types

MyInfo supports user-defined fields in the tree of different types: dates, numbers, pop-up lists, and texts.

Capture Anything

Store documents, images, notes, email messages, spreadsheets, web pages, and files.

Full-text Search

Easily search for any text in your data, including wildcards and boolean operators.

Tags and Comments

Tag and comment your notes to find them easier later.

Import & Export

Native import and export from and to InfoTree, plain text, rich text, CSV, HTML, and other file formats via third-party plugins.

Browser Add-ons

MyInfo has add-ons for all major web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), which help you capture new information quickly.


Protect your data with industry grade AES-256 encryption.

Getting Started

  1. Download and install MyInfo (free 30-day trial).
  2. Download and install the free InfoTree/Retrieve import plugin.
  3. Import your Infotree databases in MyInfo (File > Import > InfoTree/Retrieve) and start using them right away!

Looking for a working InfoTree/Retrieve alternative?