This is a maintenance release, which includes all fixes from the builds after the original MyInfo 6.36 release and adds diary for 2019.
Here is what was changed in MyInfo 6.37:
- Improved: added diary templates for 2019 (also available at our web site Templates section)
- Improved: tags are exported whenever the tag editor is visible (or the Tags column is shown in the tree)
- Fixed: column values are now properly ordered on export
- Fixed: it was possible to incidentally add new lines in the note title by pressing Ctrl+Enter
- Fixed: newlines are now properly removed when pasting text in the note title editor
- Fixed: when trying to paste duplicate tag in the tag editor, it was not removed immediately
- Fixed: videos open in internal browser were still playing even when selecting another active document
- Changed: global shortcut for activating MyInfo is changed to Win+Ctrl+I due to conflict with an existing shortcut in Windows 10. The old one (Win+Ctrl+M) still works in the previous versions of Windows too
It also includes these improvements and fixes from the patch builds of MyInfo 6.36 release:
- Improved: CSV import now can detect imported notes level automatically, if they are indented with multiple spaces or tabs in front of the record title
- Fixed: a problem where backspace didn’t work in some paragraph starts
- Fixed: the new Send to MyInfo Firefox add-on now works properly on all systems
- Fixed: Check For Updates sometimes resized the application main window
- Fixed: US version diary template for 2018 dates
- Fixed: it was not possible to change the Relative Numbering option in the Print/Export
- Changed: adds compatibility with Send to MyInfo from Firefox 2.0 add-on
- Changed: increased help file font size on High-DPI screens
If you already own MyInfo.x, the upgrade to version 6.37 is free – you will receive update instructions on your email.
If you haven’t bought MyInfo yet, the newest version gives you good reasons to do so. Why not download the trial version right now?